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Back in the those days..

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone

Those days is like a miracle for me
Between hopes, patiences and give up
One side said, "Just give up, there is no point doing all this"
The other side said, "This is your fight, keep doing!"
Environment? It is still normal like back in those days in school
Just little bit of freedorm I think
Freedorm from parents, those kind of freedorm that teenagers always want
Kononnya laa
(The truth is still every week need to call mom hahaha) 
But still the struggle is real

In the days, working on with the assignments and classes 
When tones of workload given 
"Come on brain! Lets do this"
Try to settle it and then tick off the bucket of list 
Yeay done it! 
Seems easy, huh?
Said a girl, having an eyebags on her eyes
Oh yah, she only manages to sleep for about 2 hours
(Okay I lies it is actually 5hrs, she always takes care of her sleeps ;p
Sleep is always important)
At nights? still struggling with those assignments and studies
It is not easy to divide about 4-5 hours into 4 sessions
Sometimes she loss for a while 
Only manage to complete 2 sessions
So when the next day she woke up,
"Ahhh what am I doing??!"
Fed up with herself I think 
But dont worry, being fed-up with ourselves is just useless
Come on! Waking up in the morning with a positive vibes 
Just three words, 

You know what is the funny things here?
After all this, she still manage to be active in..
instagram, facebook and whatsapp
(i cryyyyyyyyyyy)
Fortunately, she does not like twitter 
(Dear my future, hope you dont have any twitter account. Hiks!)

Now, she has completed her first year in dental school
What is she doing right now?
Uhmm, I dont know....
Maybe in the next post? 

Signing off,


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