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Assalamualaikum and hello everyone

Welcome back to my blog. How you guys doing? Hope today is great! Last weekend on sunday, my family and I went to Bukit Larut. Bukit Larut is a name of a hill in Taiping. Previously, it was called as Bukit Maxwell or Maxwell Hill due to a name of british assistant resident, William George Maxwell.  It is in Taiping and not far away from my house. To got there only takes around 20 minutes if we take a car. So basically, people go there for walking, eating (because there are a few of stalls there), and take a jeep to go up of the Bukit Larut. Oh ya, also for swimming in a pool, not in the river. Actually there are river nearby Bukit Larut but at other place, need to take car to go there.

On that sunday morning, we went there for the purpose of walking. At around 9am, we arrived there. Hahahaha jogging at 9am!! This is because walking at Bukit Larut on that day was unplanned activity. All of a sudden dad said "Lets go to Bukit Larut!", so here we go. But it is okay, chill because there are still some people just as same as us. Besides, the place was not hot at 9 as it is covered around by high trees.

Walking up the hill! Here are the pictures to describe how we enjoyed that day.

Come on people, lets walk for a 1000 steps everyday! Hihi 

Along the journey, what we are able to see are all trees. Our right side and left side, both are surrounded by trees. The pathway divided by two which are the first is like track when you enter the jungle. Another one, it is a tarred road. So if there are people who love to be adventurous, they could use the jungle track. 

While walking, there are many people pass by us and some of them greeted and smiled at us. Then, around what time I am not sure... we arrived 1km yeayyy! Taking picturessss (Hahaha padahal 1km je ponnnn ;p). Then, dad decided to, "okay thats enough, lets go back and eat".  As we walked down, we could see there were some people who are just starting their journey. So yeahh, we are not late! and not early. We are just being on time hihihiks! ;p 

After all, I am so enjoyed with the walking. It was so nice being there. Actually this is not my first time, I have been there for several times. But I have not being at the peak of Bukit Larut, even once. Only my family have been there before this. If I have chance to go at the peak, for sure I gonna blog about it. So if you guys have any plans to visit Taiping, dont forget to wear your sports attire and come to Bukit Larut! For sure, it gonna gives you a different experience. #Taipingwithlove #BukitLarutwithlove 

Signing off,



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