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Dental things that we should know

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone

Welcome back to my blog. How you guys doing? Hope you are waking up smile and doing fine. Today's post I am going to tell to you guys about dental things. There are some dental things that I have already know, but some of them I just got to know hehe. Also maybe you guys have already know all this things, so I am giving you a big applause. Congrats! like wow #respect. This post gonna be like a kind of introducing-post and lets-get-to-know-new-things Hahahahaha (weird laugh) 

1. Toothbrush
- You need to brush your teeth at least 2-3 times per day
- Make sure you are using the soft bristle toothbrush

 2. Toothpaste
- Just put the paste at the half of the toothbrush, it is enough (not like in this picture)

3. Dental flossing
- Dont forget to floss twice per day
- Floss your teeth from the last tooth at the left side until the last tooth at the right side. Then continue with lower teeth as well
- Why so important? To clean between the teeth if there are any food particles

4. Interdental brushes
- Also to clean between the teeth if there are any food particles

5. Toothpicks

6. Tongue cleaner
- Clean the upper part of tongue
- Use it safely ya!

7. Mouth rinses

8. Rubber tip stimulator

9. Oral irrigators

Done! So that is all, if you guys get to notice there are a few dental things that I forget, dont mention or you are not totally agree with me.... just comment down below. So that I could add it up or make it the correct one hehe.
Those images are from mr google (: 

Signing off,


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