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#HappyBirthday Happy Adilah's Day

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone

One of my aim in this blog is actually to make a post of #HappyBirthday to my families and friends during their birthday. This is kind of appreciation post to them for living in my boring life huuuwwhu. Sometimes I dont have enough money to buy big presents or treats at expensive and cozy restaurants in order to show how I really grateful and appreciate for their appearance in my life. So here is one of another way! hihihiks!

Date: 19/8
The baby's name: Siti Nur Adilah bt Abd Rahman

Another august baby goes to Adilahhhh or her nickname...... 'Dlah Rahman' whoott whott! #HappyBirthday dlah! May Allah bless you always and shower you with happiness. May you become the best of you in this life. Dont forget to be cheerful as always and stay pretty! Apasal do hg nampak cantikk dah skrg ni haishhh tak leh jadi ni, i feel like potatoo -__-

I met dlah during my secondary school and we were in the same class. Cant really remember the exact moment I met her for the first time, but there is a moment when kitaorg all the student kena cari partner dan rebut tempat duduk sebab hari tu kira macam first day la. Masa tu kitaorg form 1 tapi diorg dah kenal sesama sendiri sebab dari sekolah yang sama. Aku pulak budak baru tak kenal sapa2. Nak dijadikan cerita, last2 tinggal aku dengan dlah je dan seat kitaorg. Sebelah seat tu, perempuan.. sebelah lagi, lelaki. Of course la aku nak seat yang belah perempuan tu kan. So bila cikgu cakap "sapa cepat dia dapat", maka aku bersungguh la lari duduk kat seat tu. Dlah? Dia pun apa lagi lari jugak laa. Dua2 duduk atas satu seat. Last2 akuuuuuu jugak kena beralah. Aduhhh... tapi yela aku kan sulung kena la beralah.

Pastu kan, dlah pernah buat facebook profile nama dia 'Dlah Rahman'. Aku pulak masa tu kira newbie ah, jakun sat main facebook. Hari2 bukak facebook, padahal chat dengan dlah je ;p. Suatu malam, aku chat dengan dlah. Tiba2, adik aku jerit "mak2, kakak chat dengan rahman!!". Ahhhh sudahh! Apa lagi, dari dapur mak aku lari sambil bawak senduk datang sampai ruang tamu. Nampak je laptop aku, mak aku "Haa mana yang kata rahman tu?! mana!" Ahhhhhh sudahh!.
Aku pun terangkan la salah paham yang berlaku. Aduyaiii, tak pasal2 hahahahahahaha sebab tu dari dulu aku tak pernah lupa nama dlah rahman even dia dah tukar nama profile facebook.

Selain itu, dlah la orang pertama yang memperkenalkan aku kdrama. Dulu aku macam apasal do tengok korea padahal tak paham pun diorg tu cakap apa. Satu lagi, awat muka semua sama? Macam mana nak bezakan kim so hyung dengan Taecyeon?. Sekali tu cerita 'dream high' keluar, apa lagi dlah pun cerita la macam2 sampai aku pun tertengok la cerita tu. Sanggup hari sabtu kayuh basikal pi rumah dia sebab nak tengok dream high. Dari situ la saya minat wooyoung ekekeke ;3

Aku dengan dlah since 2010 waktu kitaorg form 1, and yeahh I admit that sometimes times do separate us. We met during form 1. Then form 4, I went to other school and she stayed the same school. We dont contact each other frequently because we were so busy with our school work, tuition, meet new friends and blablabla. But when we accidentally meet, we would be like, "woi lama tak jumpa hangg!!". Until now, I feel so grateful because we still able to meet up and keep in touch every holiday and I hope we will still do until forever hihi.

Dlah, Sherry and potato........chip hehehe

Birthday gurl :D 

Signing off,


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