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Reviewing books!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone

Today I am going to make a post about book review. Although I dont not read that much amount of books like a bookworm, but sometimes I still do during my freetime. Normally, the book that I would choose is based on the author, title, colour of the cover and has good reviews. I rarely choose a book because of publisher or influenced by friends. Have been happened once, I subsequently felt so disappointed and urghhhh...(nevermind, just ignore). So here are four books that I decided to review and all of it are my favourites. Lets get started!

1.   Aku Budak Medik 1.0

This image is from hiks!

The first book is Aku Budak Medik 1.0, written by several malaysian medical students and arranged by Dr. Fahd Razy. There are among them that study in Egypt, India and around Malaysia. Oh ya, there is one among the authors is from usim (if I am not mistaken) hehe #proudmoment. So basically, those medical students write a short story about their journey in medical field, also about how they decided to take medicine as well as how they try to cope with the new environment in university.

I really found that this book is so interesting and good for all students especially medical, dental students and those who have just finished their spm examination. For medical students, this book is like your motivation to become a good student in this field day by day. Although we know that, yes the journey is not easy. Morover for those who have finished spm and decided to take this field, maybe after you read this book, you will have a bigger picture of how a medical student is like.
Actually this book already has a few of series, but I have not read it yet hehe. 

2. Diagnosis 2

Introducing to you guys, diagnosis 2! I have mentioned before I would buy a book because of the author. So here is one of the books. Diagnosis 2 were written by several medical doctors such as Dr. Anwar Fazal, Dr. Aizzat, Dr Azah, Dr. Beni Rusani, Dr. Mafeitz, Dr. Mahyuddin and Dr. Fatin Liyana. Before this I dont really know these doctors except for Dr. FL. But now these doctors really inspired me! (Fuhh... tabik spring). Dr. FL, she is a blogger and I have been one of her loyal fan since around 2014 hehe. I dont know but I really like to read her blog and she is one of those that inspired me during spm hiks! (How I miss..!)

Diagnosis 2 is about experiences of doctors, handling their patients and hospital thingy. We will discover a lots of medical term and diseases that you might not know in this book. But it is okay because they already have wrote the explanation below of every pages. By reading this book, we will eventually know how a doctor manages their time with families and patients, rushing here and there to save lives because doctors also are human that have their own loved ones. This is a book for everyone out there, not only medical, go and find it at bookstore nearby your house!

3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid

This is one of my favourite english novels. I really recommend to you guys to purchase this book and read! Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. It is an international bestseller book (No wonder kott). Actually it has several series of Wimpy Kid, more than 5 if I am not mistaken. But I have not read the latest one. Before this, I bought it around rm30 (agaknya la tak ingat serius), but the one with green colour cover costs near rm50 (if I am not mistaken). The green cover is not the latest one but a bit expensive sikit laa wuuuwuuu takpe duit raya kan ada ;p (i cryyyyyyyyyyyy)

This first series of Wimpy Kid is more about introducing the main character, his friends and families. Also, this book is actually like a diary to the main character, it is like the main character writes about his daily routine and what is happening around him in his 'diary'. The best thing about this book is easily can be understood by everyone out there. From primary school students until adults. The author uses just a simple words and we can just simply understand what the story is about. Additional with a few cute drawings in every pages. I really would like to give a thumb ups!

Moving on next!
4. Breathe

Breathe is a book written by Dr. Beni Rusani and he is also an author of Diagnosis series. I bet most of you guys already have this book in your hand. Breathe is a new book that just released during previous book festival PWTC during last fews months. And I think this is also a bestbeller novel. How can not?

You know what, I am the person that very difficult to buy english novels. And yes, I bought breathe because of the author. But once I read it, it was totally amazing and full of emotions! How can he arranged the sentences to be such beautiful story. The storyline were arranged nicely and easily can be understood. It feels real, as if the author was telling something from his past..I really feel I was there. Worth reading and Dr. Beni really inspired a lot of people out there. I really recommend this book to you guys! Give a double triple thumb ups! Hahaha

So yes! I am done! Three out of four is medical novel. Hahahaha I dont know why, I cannot help it ;p If you guys might have any idea or want to share something with me, just comment down below to let me know hehe.

Signing off,


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