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Going to visit dentist soon?! Lets prepare :3

Assalamualaikum dan hai semua

Selalunya kalau korang perasan aku banyak post pasal benda2 main je kan. Pasal pi sana pi sini, sembang pungpangpungpang kencang. Kalau orang utagha cakap, lagha! Hahaha tapi xpe weh kadang2 kalau kita main. Study, kita study hard. Main, kita main hardd!! Hehe

So, kali ni aku nak post pasal benda yang berilmiah la sikit. Takde la ilmiah mana sangat, aku pun baru first year dental student.. in sha Allah tak lama lagi nak masuk dah second year wuuuuuuwu! Sekejap je masa berlalu dah ada junior fuhh fuhh debonya teman.

Disebabkan aku ni dental student, so.. kawan2 aku yang bukan dental, kalau jumpa je aku, mesti "wehh aku nak pi scaling ah", "wehh braces kalau kerajaan buat brapa eh", "sakit tak kalau buat braces", "flossing tu apa", "aku paling tak suka pi jumpa doktor gigi" dannn..... sebagainya. Tapi banyak2 soalan, yang paling aku rasa semua orang a.k.a. masyarakat patut tahu ialah the do's and the dont's before you go to visit the dental clinics. Even aku pun sebelum jadi dental student, buat2 tak kesah dan taknak amik tahu. Aku dulu pun takut weh nak pi jumpa doktor gigi, tapi yeahh.. pi je la kan sebab nak bersihkan putihkan gigi. Sampai bila hang nak simpan gigi kuning? Dah 2017, move on laaaaaa ;p

1. Brush your teeth before going to see the dentist 

Sebelum pi jumpa doktor gigi untuk scaling, pasang braces, tampalan dan sebagainya, kalau boleh berus gigi dulu. Berus gigi untuk buang sisa makanan yang terlekat di celah gigi. Mungkin sebelum tu hang makan nasi ke, so lepas makan tu pi la berus gigi. Tak lama pun, 2-3 minit je.
Ingat tau berus gigi biar teratur, dari huuuujung kanan ke tengahh pastu ke huuuujung kiri. I know the struggle is real especially kalau orang yang ada gag reflex (maksudnya orang yang akan 'uwekk', kalau jolok berus gigi hujung sangat sebab aku pun macam tu -__-) tapi cuba je! Fightingg!! Hahaha. Dah berus yang gigi atas, berus pulak gigi bawah. Sama jugak dari huuuujung kanan ke tengahh pastu ke huuujunggg kiri #bacaberintonasitau hahaha

credit to: saniah hehe

2. Wear a proper dress code

Korang boleh je pakai apa pun tapi biar la proper. Sopan santun budi bahasa budaya kita.. orang malaysia ni sopan orangnya.
Kalau short skirt or short pants, macam tak berapa nak proper la aku rasa.
Lagi satu kan, one thing about proper dress code ni adalah untuk rasa selamat bila atas dental chair. Semasa membuat apa2 jenis treatment, for sure kita akan duduk atas dental chair or even baring. (Setakat ni aku tak pernah la dengar orang scaling sambil berdiri. Hahahaha ke ada eh? dasyat..)
Itu normal supaya memudahkan doktor gigi untuk melakukan kerjanya.
Tapi kita sebagai patient kadang2 rasa macam tak berapa nak selesa especially waktu baring dan kebetulan dapat doktor yang opposite gender. Yela, mana taknya tak rasa selesa.. dah hang tu pakai pun terdedah sana terdedah sini. Kita sendiri yang mewujudkan perasaan tak selesa tu. Doktor tu just nak selesaikan treatment je, takde apa pun.
So, semasa nak pi dental appointment.. aku suggest pakai la proper dress code untuk rasa tenang dan selamat hehe.

3. Smile 

Dont forget to smile! (kenyit mata )
Senyum, senyum selalu. Senyum denganku.....

4. Dont wear lipstick

This is especially for girls and women. Do Not Wear Lipstick. I have often heard about this before. When dentists do their work, their glooves will sometimes accidentally touch the lips. Subesequently, the lipstick get stucked at the glooves. It is kind of embrassing actually especially when the dentist is a man.
So, I suggest that why not you bring lipstick in your bag and before treatment no need to put on the lipstick yet. After finish with the treatment, there you go! Ayuh berlari pi tandas sepantas mungkin, touch up balik!!! Hati2 jgn sampai terserempak dgn crush kahkahkah!

5. Dont smoke 

Keep your mouth fresh and no smell. Dentists also are human and yup, they have nose to smell. So, just imagine if your mouth is smelly, it can be kind of irritating the dentists to do their work properly. And yeahh, everyone knows smoking produce a bad smell....... right man? Tak percaya?! try bau mulut kawan hang yg baru habis hisap rokok.... Euwwww!

6. Dont eat a lot of food

Try not to eat or just take a little in case you are really hungry or being nervous before going to dental clinics. You know like, ermm... to avoid presence of chili between your teeth? hehe
Tapi kalau nak makan jugak, boleh je. Lepas tu, jangan lupa berus gigi tau! hiks

7. Dont feel scared with the dentist hehe

Dont worry, dont be scared and jangan lupa hidup kena chill bak kata cupcakes aisyah! (Eh fans jugak ke?) wahahahahahaha!

Alright people, I am done with the do's and the dont's before you go to visit your dentist. I am sure there are a lot more of tips actually, so if you guys have any ideas or anything that want to share with me.. kindly comment down below hehe. Again, dont forget to visit you dentist twice a year.
Have a nice day! xoxo

Signing off,
Asyumo.......and yeah, I am just a first year dental student hehe, mohon tunjuk ajar senior kalau ada salah dan silap! (tunduk hormat)


  1. Love your writing.. Keep it up and continue writing. Can't wait for next post 😉

  2. Thankyou! Love your support xoxo hiks!


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