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Showing posts from 2015

New year new spirits!!

Assalamualaikum Happy new year to everybody in this world. Really hope that 2016 will become better, more successful, more interesting than previous years. Ameenn!! I'm going to be 19 soon on October. How time flies so fast! Fuhh getting older, but I'm glad to know that I'm still will get half price ticket to enter cinema hahaha ;p So most people today will be on holiday and as well as me. But the feeling of excitement is not there in my heart and I think I know why!! There is 3 quizzes next week huaaaahuaaaaa!! I'm so need to be ready. Nahh.. lets forget about the quizzes for a while. Basically people will make a list during new year, so here I am. The list is just to make sure that I will always remember and do some effort in order to achieve it. 1. Become a dental student in pandan indah (hopefully!! Ameenn!!) 2. Do the best in the interview 3. Know more words in mandarins. And maybe speak hahaha 4. 4 flat for tamhidi!! 5. Help my brothers to get A in maths...

Dilemma before balik cuti

Assalamualaikum Untuk subjek english sem II, bnyk aktiviti yg perlu dibuat. Lebih kpd aktiviti compared to exams. Bab muet dah habis. Contohnya presentation, buat products, forum and so on. Ini semua akn diberi markah carry marks. So kna buat dgn cemerlang ya! waduhh gawat sih! So dlm dua minggu akan dtg lepas cuti maulid rasul, turn group aku. Huaaaahuaa!! Hg blh bayangkan x cuaknya aku. Dgn diri yg x pernah participate dlm forum. Group aku semua daebak, speaking just sembur je wehh. Act aku x pernah pun group sama dgn diorg, kiranya bekerjasama as a team. Semua muka2 baru. Dari segi pro-nya, dpt a good experience laa, dgn diorg yg cekap, bnyk idea. Aku suka part ni. Tajuk yg group aku dpt actually sociology tapi kitaorg tukar amik psychology, differences between extrovert and introvert. Somehow it's related to ourselves as well. That's quite interesting to know. Aku pun x brapa nk pasti which one I am. Kdg2 agak introvert and kdg2 agak extrovert. Tapi lebih kepada intro...

Capital S

Assalamualaikum Recently I have been facing a problem which quite urghhhh!! Why urghh? Because I use it everydayy. Ahaa use means it is referring to a thing. Yes we all use that thing. Nah let me get u straight.. shoes!! My problem with shoes is, it always 'terkoyak'. Almost all ok! This kind of phenomena happens since I enter sem1 usim. At the beginning of sem1, I have about 3 shoes and 1 selipar. And then one of the shoes terkoyak after I have been wearing it for just a week. At that moment, I was like, " Ok2 xpe laa ada kasut lain lagi" After that I went back to taiping and bought the new ones. So that means I have 3 shoes. A month later, two of the shoes terkoyakk huaaahuaa!! Sport shoes and kasut kulit sadis betul! Pakai seminggu, terkoyak!! Sedih kan? But that problem doesn't ends there. I was just finish studying at library. So after that, I have to come back to tamhidi to get a bas back to kknc. Only usim students know how quite far away library and ...

#Throwback SPM

Assalamualaikum I hope its still not too late to say..'Selamat berjuang dlm spm guyss!! Do your very best ok!'  especially to students of Smkk & Smdb. After 5 years of striving with the subjects, this is the time to proof. Make sure you wont regret after spm end. So, disebabkan mood spm masih on.. I would like to write something about what I have done before facing the spm examination. Its kinda like preparations laa..tapi bukan tips sgt pun Hahaha. And one more, sbb sebelum aku lupa..baik aku share je hehehe 1. Rajin Mengulang kaji Hahaha skema kan. Ok rajin adalah salah satu sifat yg plg penting utk budak2 yang nk amik exam besar ni. Hg mesti rajin dlm segala aspek. Sama ada buat nota, menyalin karangan, membaca, latihan maths, malah kne rajin pi skolah, kelas tambahan dan tuisyen. Hg kne pupuk sifat ni dlm diri sedalam-dalamnya since awal tahun lagi. On the other word, avoid 'malas'. Klau blh elakkn diri drpd berckp pasal malas. Ye, aku tau malas tu mmg ada...


Assalamualaikum It's kind of good to be at yr own house right? After a long long journey, our own house is still the best to be golek2 at hehehe. Oyeahh forgot to tell you that I have complete the whole semester 1 for tamhidi usim since last week. Except for the upcoming muet examination on 7th nov. But nevermind lets just consider it completely complete! Hoho so now about five weeks holiday as a reward for meee after the tiring final examination fulled of mini heart attack due to the first look after you open the first page of paper in the DTC hall. Every paper actually do give me mini heart attack. Especially physic paper..Huaaaahuaaaa!! Now it's a bit scared to go on for semester 2. Wuuu~ Actually being a tamhidi student is not that such heaven. Yr future are not guaranteed yet. Even though there is one kind of pros for tamhidi student which is you will not be 'secreted out' from uni, even yr pointer are not really good. But to be chosen in the course that yo...

Lets bedah cik Ti!!

Assalamulaikum Salam merdeka guys! Aku suka and menanti-nanti merdeka kali ni sbb aku blh balik and tinggalkan sat kknc kesayangan tu ekekeke. Even though just a few days, mari la kita mnghargainya hahaha #syukurselalu #merdekahariisnin #cuti 3hari #teamxdeinstagram #mainhashtagdktblogpunbolehh Ok hari tu kan, seminggu lepas kitaorg ada lab biology which is the best lab ever! Aku plg suka masuk lab biology instead of lab phy or chemistry. Sbb lepas aku masuk lab biology, biasanya aku dpt ilmu baru berdasarkan apa yg aku nmpk. For instance, tgk cell guna microscope. Its like woww so amazing fantastic gedeboom these cell, they do their works without any complaints or whatsoever (penat la malaih la etc) and they all live in our bodyy! Hidup dlm tubuh manusia yg kdg2 malas kdg2 rajin kdg2 buat kerja pun separuh jln je :p anyhow best kan lab biology? Tapi aku x ckp yg lab chemistry n phy bosan. Cuma aku je yg x berapa nk nmpk..awat la kita kna combine kan solution ni dgn solution tu? ...

Usim dihatikuuu..

Assalamualaikum  Hi uooolllssssssemuaaa! Haa sudah lama aku dah tak hapdate blog nih. Bukan tak sudi, cuma takdir tak menentukan. Maka Aliya pun berhuhu. Hahaha if you want to know, aku mmg nak hapdate blog sgt sgt sgtttt. Sebab utamanya adalah nak memuntahkan or in english we say 'vomit it out!' kesemua ke-stress-an yg aku alami dkt tamhidi usim. Haa baru satu bolan sotongahh kan, ekau tunggu lagi satu bolan sotongahh. Ewahh nogorii dah den ni haa! Lulzz. Tapi ttibe laptop buat hal la pulak. So tak dapat la aku nak meng-hapdate blog ni. Aku try pulak dgn telefon pintar kesayanganku. Tapi malangnya telefonku time tu tak brape nak pintarr..huaaahuaaa! Sakit je hati aku meng-hapdate blog guna telefon. Saaaakittnya tuh disini, di dlm hatikuuu..*sambung sendiri*. So utk membendung ke-stress-an aku tuh, aku tulis la dlm laptop tapi pakai microsoft word ;'( huaahahaha! tak cukup, aku tulis pulak dkt note dlm telefon huaaaahahahaha! Nampak tak permainannya?  Day by day and wee...

From Perak to NS

Assalamualaikum hi everybodyhh wahsupp yow! hows going on now? me..fine as always. but a little bit kinda miss bndar tadahan hujan huaaahuaa! ok i know it has been quite a long time i doesnt post anything on my blog. yeah busy with my future AHAHAHAHA lame. As some of you all might not know that im currently pursue my studies in tamhidi at usim, nilai, nogori sombilann yoww! now it has been a week im here. Three days for hari taa'ruf which is monday, tuesday and wednesday. Meanwhile thursday and friday which is day of barakah is for subject briefing. So far okay la. Just a bit more exausted on hari taaruf. yela.. dah kne buli dgn senior kan. Tapi biasa la tu, nnti time aku pulak ;p For those who dont know, actually hari taa'ruf is like hari orientasi. But biasa la itew dak arab. x main la orientasi2 nih, itew panggil taa'ruf. huruf ain tu sila pronouns betul2 ye ;p So one week has done yeah! Another about 18 week to go to complete for 1 year tamhidi -___- Moving on next ...

What did i played during my childhood?

Assalamualaikum Once a upon a time, there was a girl named Aliya. She is a very cute girl like iu hehe One day she had nothing to do. So she pun apa lagi surfing la internet, checking the notifications on facebook, twitter, gmail. Pssstt sorry she doesnt have any instagram account. Ish3 pity her ;p Suddenly she saw something quite interesting that someone posted on facebook. Woww what's that?! ( hg xyah nak mengada sgt aliya -____-) It is a picture of childhood games for 90's kids! Wahahaha how i really miss my childhood! Tengteng, batu seremban, tuju selipar, rumahrumah, hantuhantu, galah panjang, cards, tutup botol, lawan pemadam, lompat tikus, patung kertas and a lot more. All of these games ive been expecienced. I can still remember that i even skipped my lunch or teatime just to play with my geng! Sometimes i didnt want to take bath from afternoon until 7pm because didnt want to stop playing those games with my friends ( pagi aku mandi k -__- ) Besides even my childhood ...

Peshta Buku 2015shhhhh~

Assalamualaikum As we all know that PBAKL2015 is organised by MBK from 24 Apr to 5 Apr 2015 (if im not mistaken). And today is 30 apr 2015, thats mean the pesta buku is still going on! Faster everyone, go and get your favourite books there! For your information, there are a lot of books with varities of genre. Buku motivasi, cerita tauladan, islamik, novel cinta, fakta, all that have in PBAKL2015 with affordable prices and discounts! Besides i was well informed before i went there that there are almost 800 booths and were divided into several floors. A place for rest and read is provided as well for visitors of PBAKL2015 at floor number 4, so that you are able to get some rest after busy buying books or maybe sleep as well kroohhh kroohhh! hehehe (sumber: MHI TV3). Ok thats enough. Oh some of you might not know what PBAKL2015 is, it is Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2015 ;D Moving on Last sunday i went there too with my mother and brother. But we went there by bus. Peliks?...

"Hg buat apa dkt rumah?"

Assalamulaikum Reunion 501 dkt rumah cikgu fatimah. Haihh rinduu suasana dlm kelas~ Skrg ni dah bulan april, so it means that ive been holidaying for more than 3 months (kann?). Emm lama jugak tuh..Disebabkan itu, bila aku jumpa sanak saudara sahabat handai..diorg ramai ah tnya dkt aku, buat apa skrg? So aku pun jawab la mcm biasa secara jujur~ "duduk rumah je. x keje hehehe" Memang ah aku ada buat benda lain jugak. Contohnya mcm lipat kain, sidai kain, sapu rumah, tlg adik buat homework, ajar adik math. Tapi takkan ah aku nak ckp semua detail tuh lulzz. So asal org tnya je buat apa dkt rumah, jwpn aku mesti akn mcm tu "duduk rumah je.. x keje hehehe"..x pun, "jdi bibik plg comel" hehehe. Tapi ada sesetengah org yg x puas hati dgn jwpn aku. Aku pun x tau knape. Diorg asyik tnya je aku buat apa dkt rumah. Aku online fb, dia tnya buat apa dkt rumah?. Aku buat status dkt twitter, dia tnya lagi buat apa dkt rumah? Aku terjumpa dgn dia, dia tnya la...

This Week

Assalamualaikum Fuhhh! *Amik masa jap nak hembus nafas* Knape? Sbb minggu ni la minggu yg paling paling paling busy. Hahaha busy kan? Actually aku nak guna ayat "minggu yg terpaling busy" utk membuatkan statement aku tu memang kukuh ah, kiranya memang busy sgt! Tapi dari aspek tatabahasa, markah aku akn jdi, 0 aka telur ayam Kahkahkah! So make it simple, minggu ni busy gila *ayt org utara hahaha*. Haritu aku pi jelapang, ipoh dgn family sbb adik aku ada tournament badminton. Dan tournament yg ni adalah tournament yg pertama kali dia masuk. Kwn baik dia pun join jugak~ Tapi pi dgn kereta masing-masing ah. Match adik aku start pukul 6.00pm, kwn dia pulak dlm pukul 6.30pm. Tapi ckp jer pukul 6.00pm, last to last match diorg dlm pukul 8pm. Punya la set keluar rumah pukul 2pm, sbb taknak lambat sampai. Ciss bedebahh Hahahaha~  Sampai awal sgt, hm terpaksa la duduk dlm dewan yg tanpa penghawa dingin tu. Nasib baik time nak masuk dewan, aku ternampak machine yg jual air tu....

Reunion le trio 2015

Assalamualaikum.. Hi! ok lets straight to the point, dont belok-belok ;p Minggu lepas hari jumaat camtu, aku...ok its dlah actually  yg organise satu reunion. Antara aku, dlah n shahirah. Sbb memang kitaorg dah lamaaaaa x jumpa. Lebih kurang dlm 3 tahun jugak ah. Tapi aku ada jugak jumpa shahirah time dia compete bahas dgn smk kamunting. Dgr je mak aku ckp shahirah bakal dtg smk kamunting, terus aku gedik nak pi menyibuk dkt smkk. Padahal baru je balik dri kelas tambahan smdb ;p ;p Haahaha Tapi jgn memain dgn dia wooo, pembahas terbaikk wooo! Thorbaikk la syerii~~ Sapa kata org2 rendah takde kelebihan ha?! Hang jwb dgn aku skrg *sedia nak baling kerusi* Emo ttibe lol ;p N adilah pun, walaupun rumah memasing dkt tapi jarang jugak kami jumpa. Ada la time tuisyen, pastu dia stop. Pastu x jumpa dahh.. jarang gila. So kitaorg buat reunion dkt aeon taiping. Aeon pun aeon laaa~~ Hahahaha aeon dkt taiping skrg ni famous ohh. Kalah ts. Kitaorg pi makan dkt food court jerr. Hello pengang...

its already 2015 la bro!

Assalamualaikum.. Kronologi muka aku Wah3 lamanya aku tak post dlm blog ni! XD eh nama blog ni pun aku lupa. JUST A HUMAN.. sedap jugak nama blog nih. Tapi begitu menampakkan keseriusan aku lol. Aku kira-kira lama jugak aku x post. Sbb spm..kot. And one more thing...........aku malas. Hahahahaha Kalau hari-hari post, kering ah idea, jadi gila. taknak aku camtu. So time aku bukak blog ni, aku dlm form 3/4 camtu.. skrg dah habis skolah~~ fuyoo such a very long timee. Dulu post pun, ala-ala bebudak. Hahahaha malu nak baca post dulu-dulu. Skrg punya post, matang ke? ke sama jee kikikiki~  Ok since now i have done with spm, im staying alone at home while waiting for my parents and brothers back from school. And thats routine has almost 2 months. Bangun tidur, mandi, makan, tgk tv, bagi kucing makan.. nak dkt-dkt pukul 12, baru aku terkejar-kejar sidai baju, lipat baju, sapu rumah. Hahahahaha tapi sempat kot, beres semua! Then, aku pi kelas..mengaji n communication english. Men...