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What did i played during my childhood?


Once a upon a time, there was a girl named Aliya. She is a very cute girl like iu hehe One day she had nothing to do. So she pun apa lagi surfing la internet, checking the notifications on facebook, twitter, gmail. Pssstt sorry she doesnt have any instagram account. Ish3 pity her ;p Suddenly she saw something quite interesting that someone posted on facebook. Woww what's that?! ( hg xyah nak mengada sgt aliya -____-) It is a picture of childhood games for 90's kids! Wahahaha how i really miss my childhood! Tengteng, batu seremban, tuju selipar, rumahrumah, hantuhantu, galah panjang, cards, tutup botol, lawan pemadam, lompat tikus, patung kertas and a lot more. All of these games ive been expecienced. I can still remember that i even skipped my lunch or teatime just to play with my geng! Sometimes i didnt want to take bath from afternoon until 7pm because didnt want to stop playing those games with my friends ( pagi aku mandi k -__- ) Besides even my childhood is in kl but that doesnt stop me from enjoy those interested games! Kl dulu kl skrg lain kot. Dulu mana ada lebuhraya DUKE ;p That time, feel free to run and run alone around the kampung. But nowadays, emm better dont. If you wanna ask me the reason, pm me on facebook, twitter wakakaka.

Ok back to the topic
Lets discuss about the traditional games that i (and you maybe) have played during our childhood. Wahahahh really miss it!

1) Tengteng

If you are clueless about what i mean, lets take a look at the picture above. Tengteng is when you have to jump from one square (that you have drew at the ground) to another. But one of the condition is you have to jump using just one leg. Another leg should be lifted. Wahaha i like this game but a bit hard when somebody draw the square in a big size -____- Seriously it is harder than you have to eat a burger in a big size ;p And when somebody draw the square in a big size, i was like 'hg memang nak bagi aku kalah awal kann?!' <---- Such an Emo girl ;p But actually there are some pros too if you draw the square in a big size. One of them is bila baling batu, dia takkan terkeluar. Hahaha

2) Batu seremban

Nak main ni kne cari batu yang bentuknya lebih kurang bulat. Bentuk segi tiga x boleh, sakit tgn nnti

Why so comelll?!! 

I can still remember that day for the first time i learnt this game when i was still standard one. It was in my primary school. And my friend, Nurul who taught me if im not mistaken (aku ingat aku belajar main dkt skolah tapi lupa dgn sapa) At that moment, all of my girlmates in my class know how to play batu seremban except me ;p (BOOO! ) so i, who dont want to be such loser.. give a try on this game. By using batu as the batu seremban, Nurul pun pungpang pungpang pungpang teach me until i get the clue how to play. And yeahh just in one day i know how to play. Ellehh lain kali cipta la game yg susah sikit, kacangnyeee ;p ;p  And then i went back home, told my friend (her name is Mala) that i already know how to play batu seremban mcm dah otai sgt hehe. Tapi guna batu kdg2 sakit jugak tgn, so we transform the batu to grean pea (kacang hijau laa). Sanggup time tu aku blajar cara nak menjahit. Masukkan kacang hijau or any kacang dlm kain then sew it! Jadi la batu seremban in a new version Haha Main pun x sakit dahh~

3) Tuju selipar <--- not my favourite ;p

Sapa terrer tuju selipar (sekali tuju, dah kne) rasanya takde masalah klau dia nak tuju selipar dkt pencuri or peragut. Confirm kne! 

Im not that kind of person who really interested in this game. Ok let me give you some explanation why. Firstly after somebody tuju the selipars (plural), then he/she needs to chase everyone with one selipar in his hand. And then baling dkt org selipar tu sesuka hati hg ja! kurengg betul! while the other group have to sambungkan selipars jadi bertingkat2. Best tu mmg la best tapi bila kne tuju selipar tu sakit woo. Sama mcm main bola chop (apa ntah nama dia, aku dah lupa) Bola chop lagi ah, baling bola dkt org! that time, bila ada org ajak aku main bola chop.. terus aku lari balik rumah makan lagi bagus. lunch tak jadi ditinggalkan Hehe ;p

4) Rumahrumah hantuhantu

Ok for game, i dont have any pictures. Sorry.. hee. This game is quite interesting and it takes few hours to play. So klau main game ni mmg lunch aku tinggal la~ Sanggup berlapar. It is not difficult to play because you guys just need to play your role and have to give a name for your role. For instance: Aliya as a mother, her name is Lisa Surihani. Wakakakak gila otak berimaginasi nak jadi lisa! Lawak kan? But that time, lisa x famous sgt hehe Yg famous mcm Erra Fazira, Anuar Zain, Dato Siti Nurhaliza. Hahaha. In this game i really love to be as a mother because there are many work to do but does not get the chance huhu Tu la hg badan kecik sgt. Dpt jadi anak je! So what should children do? Makan daun (acah-acah masak sup ayam pakai daun), tidur. Boring kan? Tau takpe ;p Same like hantuhantu. But the difference is there is a ghost role. Usually Munirah (my friend) will play the role as a ghost just because she has a long long hair.

5) Playing cards

Wahhaaa lamanya x main benda ni!

Do you guys still remember of Happy Family cards, Sate, and Donkey? Have you guys play those cards with your beloved friends? No? What do you mean by that?! Hg balik skrg, pi beli dkt kedai pastu ajak kwn main! Hahaha Emo ttibe asal. Im guite love playing this game because no run, no hurt, no baling2 selipar dkt aku, and lot of laugh hehehe (tapi aku suka jugak main lari2 ni ;p) This game is quite simple, just need to understand about how to play and the conditions. And then enjoyy! ;D Moreover the cards are colourful and have pictures, so i think that is why kids do love playing cards ( kot ) Oh not forgetting i also have played another type of card which is called as kad terup Hahaha. The way to play kad terup is you just need to have few kad terup (maybe 10). Then arrange the kad terup properly. Next, kepakkan a little bit the kad terup and arrange on the floor/table. Then tepuk kad tu using your hand. Simple! I quite get interested with this game but sakit gila tgn aku asyik menepuk ja!

6) Susun bantal jadi.....em rumah?

Ok i have to admit that I have done this game before during my childhood Hehe. Acah-acah like an architect! Hoho But not all type of bantal that we can use. We need keras bantal and are able to stand. I always play this game with my two bros. We really need the bantal a lot so that we are able to build a big house! but only have few and lagipun bantal senang jugak nak jatuh huhu But then I get some idea. How about we use book instead of bantal? Hehe Aku ada few buku keras yg mmg keras gila kulitnya and im very sure that the book could be as a wall. So yeahh we made the biggggg houseee hehe (perangai guna buku tu yg diikut ye ;p)

7)  Patung kertas

Patung kertas is one of the most favourite game of mine. Yelaa~ asyik lari2 je kann, x feminin la. So kita pun main la patung kertas bagi memupuk jiwa perempuan gituww ;p Best jugak la main this game. Usually after came back from skolah agama, i stopped at a shop to buy the patung kertas. Dlm kepala, berangan nak simpan jadi koleksi. Kumpul bebanyak. But them..em...em.. lost until if you want to find in lubang cacing, also could not find! Hoho mana ntah aku letak. It is same like playing lawan pemadam. Kemain chek beli dgn koperasi skolah kononnya nak simpan jadi koleksi. Pastu bila nak lawan, boleh tayang dkt musuh yg kita ada bnyk pemadam..bagi diorg cuakk! ;p X main ah pemadam stabilo, blh kalah ohh. Kne pilih pemadan yg slim tu, yg ada gambar power rangers ;p Dulu aku suka power rangers warna merah sbb rasa mcm dia la yg paling kuat, ketua and pandai lawan. And selalunya dia la hero hehe. Aku x suka yg warna kuning..nmpk mcm lembikk semacam ;p Lulzz

Power Ranger pun pandai posingg~ Wuuuu~ 

In conclusion, those are 7 games during childhood that I usually played. Suah a very interesting and cool game and this is one of the way to get many friends during childhood. It is by playing! whoaa! Actually there are a few more but yeahhh you knowwww imma quite lazyyy plus this entry is already long. So nevermind, maybe next post ok? or next punya next post? or next year punya post? hehehe Ok now say byebye to Power Ranger! ;p

p/s: Thank you Mr Google for the pictures hihihi



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