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Recently I have been facing a problem which quite urghhhh!! Why urghh? Because I use it everydayy. Ahaa use means it is referring to a thing. Yes we all use that thing. Nah let me get u straight.. shoes!!

My problem with shoes is, it always 'terkoyak'. Almost all ok! This kind of phenomena happens since I enter sem1 usim. At the beginning of sem1, I have about 3 shoes and 1 selipar. And then one of the shoes terkoyak after I have been wearing it for just a week. At that moment, I was like, " Ok2 xpe laa ada kasut lain lagi" After that I went back to taiping and bought the new ones. So that means I have 3 shoes. A month later, two of the shoes terkoyakk huaaahuaa!! Sport shoes and kasut kulit sadis betul! Pakai seminggu, terkoyak!! Sedih kan?

But that problem doesn't ends there. I was just finish studying at library. So after that, I have to come back to tamhidi to get a bas back to kknc. Only usim students know how quite far away library and the tamhidi center. Kalau berjalan kaki laa...;p. But seriously quite far. So at the moment I walked with my housemate, my shoes suddenly terbelah into two, kasut n tapak. I was like ooooohhhhhnooooooo!! But what for to scream right? No one wants to help you except yourself (sedaq diri sikit ;p). So I just went straight away to tamhidi sambil menyeretkan kaki hahaha mengayat hati bukan?

Once I went back to taiping, I bought the new ones again. Hoping it will not happen to be terkoyak as well. But then the same story happens again. Until I was fed up!! Fortunately, I have a shoes which is similarly to croc shoes but a bit feminine ;D and now I'm using two shoes and hoping the terkoyak situation will not happens again. Hopefully T.T....


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