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its already 2015 la bro!


Kronologi muka aku

Wah3 lamanya aku tak post dlm blog ni! XD eh nama blog ni pun aku lupa. JUST A HUMAN.. sedap jugak nama blog nih. Tapi begitu menampakkan keseriusan aku lol. Aku kira-kira lama jugak aku x post. Sbb spm..kot. And one more thing...........aku malas. Hahahahaha Kalau hari-hari post, kering ah idea, jadi gila. taknak aku camtu. So time aku bukak blog ni, aku dlm form 3/4 camtu.. skrg dah habis skolah~~ fuyoo such a very long timee. Dulu post pun, ala-ala bebudak. Hahahaha malu nak baca post dulu-dulu. Skrg punya post, matang ke? ke sama jee kikikiki~ 

Ok since now i have done with spm, im staying alone at home while waiting for my parents and brothers back from school. And thats routine has almost 2 months. Bangun tidur, mandi, makan, tgk tv, bagi kucing makan.. nak dkt-dkt pukul 12, baru aku terkejar-kejar sidai baju, lipat baju, sapu rumah. Hahahahaha tapi sempat kot, beres semua! Then, aku pi kelas..mengaji n communication english. Mengaji tu mmg aku nak ok, bukan paksaan. Apa salahnya, kutip pahala hihihik~ Yg english tu pun, bukan paksaan. Sbb aku sedar yg communication aku dlm english pun tak la bagus sgt. Its not because my mom tak ajar. My mom always speaks english to me. But Aku jer yg malas. So tanggung ah padahnya skrg! Ambekk hang! Tapi skrg alhamdulillah aku diberi petunjuk utk mengubahnya. And now im trying. i know it takes time to be pro in communication english. But i will try it harder, i believe i can do it. So jgn terkezzutt ah klau ada grammar aku ke laut, ayat aku ke sungai k.. its like ada aku kesah? *flip hair* 

Selain itu, aku pun sedang busy seperti kwn-kwn seperjuangan aku yg lain, mencari perluang keemasan utk menempatkan diri di ipta mahupun ipts. Even this is not the time for applications. Tapi aku rasa perlu utk lepasan spm membuat research ttg pemilihan course. Just try to find what you want in your life, what you want to do or what you love to do. This is very important because if you choose one course, you will survive that one course in your life. Yes i know that we are able to change the course that we dont like during we are already in ipta/ipts. But itu mcm buang masa lah. Org lain dah sampai mana ntah, kita baru nak patah balik.. tukar course then terkedek-kedek nak catch up benda tu. *terkedek-kedek Hahahahaha where did i learnt that word?* So back to the topic, aku rasa klau patah balik tu, mmg sesuatu yg agk waste time la. And for sure, i dont even want to be in that condition. Thats why do research is important. So utk lepasan spm, adalah perlu utk anda buat research dari skrg! Skrg ni pun aku masih tercari-cari course apa yg aku nak amik sebenarnya, or yg sesuai dgn keupayaan aku. Aku rasa accounting kot yg ngam dgn aku, and aku tak akan amik medic! Nak medic mendenya, biologi pun ke laut. Hahahahaha aku tak mampu dgn biologi, tlg jgn ;'( Other than accounting, aku tak pasti lagi.. huhu

Eh banyaknya aku membebel.. Hahaha kbye Assalamualaikum  


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