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It's kind of good to be at yr own house right? After a long long journey, our own house is still the best to be golek2 at hehehe. Oyeahh forgot to tell you that I have complete the whole semester 1 for tamhidi usim since last week. Except for the upcoming muet examination on 7th nov. But nevermind lets just consider it completely complete! Hoho so now about five weeks holiday as a reward for meee after the tiring final examination fulled of mini heart attack due to the first look after you open the first page of paper in the DTC hall. Every paper actually do give me mini heart attack. Especially physic paper..Huaaaahuaaaa!! Now it's a bit scared to go on for semester 2. Wuuu~

Actually being a tamhidi student is not that such heaven. Yr future are not guaranteed yet. Even though there is one kind of pros for tamhidi student which is you will not be 'secreted out' from uni, even yr pointer are not really good. But to be chosen in the course that you really want is a bit hard especially for the hard course. For istance, dentistry or medic. The seats is very limited. We, tamhidi of dentistry which is around 70 person have to fight with each other for the sake of seats. And yeah just 35 person will be chosen to be a dentist. Then to be a student of dentistry, you have to get a pointer up to 3.75. Of course, don't forget about muet, band 4 to be save. Actually, if you wanna know, those in tamhidi of science technology can also enter degree of dentistry if they want. So, do you know what it means? That's means we are not just compete with each other. But with science tech as well. 

What a hard tiring extremely difficult journey right? But not all people understand it, fortunately, few of them does. I am very scared but at the same time i have and need to be strong. I have to work hard for it. This kind of journey will be full of huge efforts, hardworks and definitely tiring but still need to face it wisely no matter what. Then in sha Allah, Allah will give us the best that suitable for our life. Hopefully, I could be the chosen one (: 

Hope to be a true fighter,


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