As we all know that PBAKL2015 is organised by MBK from 24 Apr to 5 Apr 2015 (if im not mistaken). And today is 30 apr 2015, thats mean the pesta buku is still going on! Faster everyone, go and get your favourite books there! For your information, there are a lot of books with varities of genre. Buku motivasi, cerita tauladan, islamik, novel cinta, fakta, all that have in PBAKL2015 with affordable prices and discounts! Besides i was well informed before i went there that there are almost 800 booths and were divided into several floors. A place for rest and read is provided as well for visitors of PBAKL2015 at floor number 4, so that you are able to get some rest after busy buying books or maybe sleep as well kroohhh kroohhh! hehehe (sumber: MHI TV3). Ok thats enough. Oh some of you might not know what PBAKL2015 is, it is Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2015 ;D
Moving on
Last sunday i went there too with my mother and brother. But we went there by bus. Peliks? no! Because besides of me, mom and bro.. actually there are a few of friends that we brought along weheee~~ The rombongan cik kiah terdiri daripada friends of mine and mom. Mom brought her friends (cikgu2 smk kamunting) while mine were Syukrina, Aliah, Husna, Afiqah, Ainul and Farihah. My mom was booked a bus to go to PWTC and this is all actually my dad's idea hoho. The bus were moving at 6.45am early in the morning so that we are able to reach there early and have a lot of time to spend. Breakfasts were also provided for them.
About around 10.30am, we reached there. And i was so overwhelmed until i felt wanna jump out of the bus! A night before going to PWTC, i already listed a few of book that im going to buy such as diary of whimpey kids (im still dont know how to spell the word 'whimpey' -___-), diagnosis2, some english books, and etc. Ok back to the situation at PWTC, my friends except me were decided they will go together around and not to be separate. But then, masuk je pintu masuk PWTC tuh..x ingat dahh! Masing2 mata cari buku ja, hg pi sana aku pi sini. Nnti apa2 hal roger ok! Hahaha kelakar tgk. Syuk masuk pintu no1, Aliah ajak aku masuk pintu no2. And most of the time, i was with aliah. Booth by booth, floor by floor..we were searching for the books. I only managed to get 7 books all together with just rm160.00 (not including sarah's book) yeay! While aliah managed to buy 9 books if im not mistaken.
And then around, 2pm something..i was hungry and wanted to get something to eat. Aliah and i bump into syuk, ainul and farihah and they have eaten (aiyoo x hacii betul). Actually there is some incident that actually i was the one first that bump into syuk, not Aliah but malas gila nak cite panjang2, just make it short ;p Then, syuk accompanied me to get something to eat. Syuk said that makanan semua rm6.00 ye cik kak. And i was like asdfghjkl?!! what?. But then my eyes went to look at the menu and yes it is. The only food that with cheap price is nasi lemak bungkus! (xnak affordable, nak cheap jugak!! ;p ), so nasi lemak pun nasi lemak je la. bungkus pun bungkus la~ Asalkan perut senang hati jua senang maa ;p
Air mineral xyah beli, minum yg time breakfast punya ;p If you wonder the price of nasi lemak bungkus is rm3.00 (still rasa nak menangis kann?). That makes me felt wanna finish the nasi lemak and kertas yg bungkus nasi tu sekali. Kacang dlm nasi lemak yg selama ni aku x makan, pun aku makan jugak tau..ini semua pasal rm3.00!! Di Kamunting, xde nasi lemak biasa rm3.00 sbb tu la sye saaaaayanggg Kamunting hehe ;D
The moment of syuk and me when we were in the queue~
Syuk: weh tu harga dia rm6.00..fuyoo! (sambil tgn tunjuk muffin, tapi mata aku nmpk mcm dia sdg tunjuk nasi lemak bungkus aku)
Aliya: woii mana ada la! rm3.00 kott! (mata terbeliak)
Syuk: eh x! aku tunjuk muffin, bukan nasi lemak bungkus hg
Hahahaha bukan kedekk, jimat maa ;p next! after eating, we were sellfiee while waiting for ainul and farihah. Both of them were excitedly sellfie with izzue islam, nora danish and etc. Aliah, all of a sudden ternmpk ustazah Fatimah Syarha and her family! And she and i were kejar-ing the ustazah to confirm that she is. So yes! but we didnt take any photo of her because nmpk dia mcm busy dgn pegang dua org anak dia so malas nak kacau. After that, five of us went to dubook booth, Syuk and ainul wanted to buy Amran Fanz's book. and then, just walking around around around~ sampai satu masa, suddenly separate again! Hahaha But this time, me with syuk. I accompanied syuk to get some english books. Syuk nmpk satu sudut yg mana somebody sell book marks. Ok first workers akn tngkap gambar visitors, then the workers printed the picture, then convet into book mark (kiranya dkt book mark tu ada gambar kita) 1 book mark only rm5.00 (ciss ckp je only, tapi aku x beli pun. syuk je yg beli pastu aku menyesal sbb x beli). Syuk and i were extremely excited about it! Siap plan first, "ok syuk, hg pegang ni..aku pulak yg ni ok?" "ehh xnak! nak yg tu!" Hahahaha then, sampai mph baru jumpa english novels. Beli! 4.00pm already, we were called by mom and asked to be at the pintu masuk PWTC. Dlm perjalanan tu, ter-meet hafiz hamidunn!! whahaha tangkap gambar tapi gambarnya xde. peliks bin ajaibs kann? But its okay let the eyes capture the moments wakakaka!
Then, bus arrived at PWTC and we said byebye to PWTC, hope to meet you again! hahaha Bus arrived at smk kamunting around 9.30pm, then everybody went back home because they believe home sweet home hoho
psst: forgive me for the title of this post yg ntah hapahapa lulzz and grammatical error as well hehehe
As we all know that PBAKL2015 is organised by MBK from 24 Apr to 5 Apr 2015 (if im not mistaken). And today is 30 apr 2015, thats mean the pesta buku is still going on! Faster everyone, go and get your favourite books there! For your information, there are a lot of books with varities of genre. Buku motivasi, cerita tauladan, islamik, novel cinta, fakta, all that have in PBAKL2015 with affordable prices and discounts! Besides i was well informed before i went there that there are almost 800 booths and were divided into several floors. A place for rest and read is provided as well for visitors of PBAKL2015 at floor number 4, so that you are able to get some rest after busy buying books or maybe sleep as well kroohhh kroohhh! hehehe (sumber: MHI TV3). Ok thats enough. Oh some of you might not know what PBAKL2015 is, it is Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2015 ;D
Moving on
Last sunday i went there too with my mother and brother. But we went there by bus. Peliks? no! Because besides of me, mom and bro.. actually there are a few of friends that we brought along weheee~~ The rombongan cik kiah terdiri daripada friends of mine and mom. Mom brought her friends (cikgu2 smk kamunting) while mine were Syukrina, Aliah, Husna, Afiqah, Ainul and Farihah. My mom was booked a bus to go to PWTC and this is all actually my dad's idea hoho. The bus were moving at 6.45am early in the morning so that we are able to reach there early and have a lot of time to spend. Breakfasts were also provided for them.
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bas x penuh, so boleh la lari2. Setakat nak main aci kejar tu..boleh la Hahaha ;p |
About around 10.30am, we reached there. And i was so overwhelmed until i felt wanna jump out of the bus! A night before going to PWTC, i already listed a few of book that im going to buy such as diary of whimpey kids (im still dont know how to spell the word 'whimpey' -___-), diagnosis2, some english books, and etc. Ok back to the situation at PWTC, my friends except me were decided they will go together around and not to be separate. But then, masuk je pintu masuk PWTC tuh..x ingat dahh! Masing2 mata cari buku ja, hg pi sana aku pi sini. Nnti apa2 hal roger ok! Hahaha kelakar tgk. Syuk masuk pintu no1, Aliah ajak aku masuk pintu no2. And most of the time, i was with aliah. Booth by booth, floor by floor..we were searching for the books. I only managed to get 7 books all together with just rm160.00 (not including sarah's book) yeay! While aliah managed to buy 9 books if im not mistaken.
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Buku Whimpey Kids x dpt dicari huaaahuaaa! Merata aku cari~ Buku anwar hadi, aku lupa gila! -__- |
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Actually time balik~ |
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Everybodayh is happyhh! |
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Syuk and Ainul~ |
And then around, 2pm something..i was hungry and wanted to get something to eat. Aliah and i bump into syuk, ainul and farihah and they have eaten (aiyoo x hacii betul). Actually there is some incident that actually i was the one first that bump into syuk, not Aliah but malas gila nak cite panjang2, just make it short ;p Then, syuk accompanied me to get something to eat. Syuk said that makanan semua rm6.00 ye cik kak. And i was like asdfghjkl?!! what?. But then my eyes went to look at the menu and yes it is. The only food that with cheap price is nasi lemak bungkus! (xnak affordable, nak cheap jugak!! ;p ), so nasi lemak pun nasi lemak je la. bungkus pun bungkus la~ Asalkan perut senang hati jua senang maa ;p
Air mineral xyah beli, minum yg time breakfast punya ;p If you wonder the price of nasi lemak bungkus is rm3.00 (still rasa nak menangis kann?). That makes me felt wanna finish the nasi lemak and kertas yg bungkus nasi tu sekali. Kacang dlm nasi lemak yg selama ni aku x makan, pun aku makan jugak tau..ini semua pasal rm3.00!! Di Kamunting, xde nasi lemak biasa rm3.00 sbb tu la sye saaaaayanggg Kamunting hehe ;D
The moment of syuk and me when we were in the queue~
Syuk: weh tu harga dia rm6.00..fuyoo! (sambil tgn tunjuk muffin, tapi mata aku nmpk mcm dia sdg tunjuk nasi lemak bungkus aku)
Aliya: woii mana ada la! rm3.00 kott! (mata terbeliak)
Syuk: eh x! aku tunjuk muffin, bukan nasi lemak bungkus hg
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Bukti they have eaten! Tapi aku xde bukti sama ada diorg makan sebelum or selepas aku makan sbb aku terlupa and x terpikir nak snap gambar pinggan diorg yg licin tu Hahaha! |
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Hahahaha bukan kedekk, jimat maa ;p next! after eating, we were sellfiee while waiting for ainul and farihah. Both of them were excitedly sellfie with izzue islam, nora danish and etc. Aliah, all of a sudden ternmpk ustazah Fatimah Syarha and her family! And she and i were kejar-ing the ustazah to confirm that she is. So yes! but we didnt take any photo of her because nmpk dia mcm busy dgn pegang dua org anak dia so malas nak kacau. After that, five of us went to dubook booth, Syuk and ainul wanted to buy Amran Fanz's book. and then, just walking around around around~ sampai satu masa, suddenly separate again! Hahaha But this time, me with syuk. I accompanied syuk to get some english books. Syuk nmpk satu sudut yg mana somebody sell book marks. Ok first workers akn tngkap gambar visitors, then the workers printed the picture, then convet into book mark (kiranya dkt book mark tu ada gambar kita) 1 book mark only rm5.00 (ciss ckp je only, tapi aku x beli pun. syuk je yg beli pastu aku menyesal sbb x beli). Syuk and i were extremely excited about it! Siap plan first, "ok syuk, hg pegang ni..aku pulak yg ni ok?" "ehh xnak! nak yg tu!" Hahahaha then, sampai mph baru jumpa english novels. Beli! 4.00pm already, we were called by mom and asked to be at the pintu masuk PWTC. Dlm perjalanan tu, ter-meet hafiz hamidunn!! whahaha tangkap gambar tapi gambarnya xde. peliks bin ajaibs kann? But its okay let the eyes capture the moments wakakaka!
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Syuk was extremely excited to tell to them about the 'face2face' with hafiz hamidunn lulzz. And about the book mark! |
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Waahhaaaaa i love this so muchhh! |
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Bro and his new friend! |
Then, bus arrived at PWTC and we said byebye to PWTC, hope to meet you again! hahaha Bus arrived at smk kamunting around 9.30pm, then everybody went back home because they believe home sweet home hoho
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During the journey back to Kamunting, i saw rainbow very clear. SubhanAllah! So beautiful it is~ |
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Rehat seketika di rnr~ Dgn lamb chop yg liat gila.. sedihh ja aku makan! |
psst: forgive me for the title of this post yg ntah hapahapa lulzz and grammatical error as well hehehe
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