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Picture didnt tell you who the real i am (;

This is my first post for this blog but not the first time i start blogging. So starting from now on, this blog will going to be fully english or maybe half english half bm. It's depends on me. 

So people (eventhough there's no reader on this blog ihikss),
today is 22 February 2014 which is actually my school day. 22 February is saturday. but my principal said 'Every student must come to school on 22 February'. It was so exciting. Yeahh.. you know man. So back to our topic, we were having a cross-country guys! Students can walk, jog or even run around the lake (we dont cross a village, but we cross a lake). It was not so interesting for me as i am not an athlete or a runner. But i was one of the pertolongan cemas's members. it was my first try and experience. and im so love it. Plus, it was one of my interested. I was given a first aid box and a assistant, Afifah 405. She is cute, pretty, talkactive, friendly and a bit taller than me. And of course she's my junior. Thanks to her for accompany me during the cross-country. We were at checkpoint which is in front of Flemington Hotel, near a junction. During the activity, there was no emergency case at my checkpoint. Fortunately people! Hahaha.. 

And now im at home. Tired. Okay i lied. I already took a nap at 2 pm. Bye Assalamualaikum


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