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Showing posts from December, 2015

New year new spirits!!

Assalamualaikum Happy new year to everybody in this world. Really hope that 2016 will become better, more successful, more interesting than previous years. Ameenn!! I'm going to be 19 soon on October. How time flies so fast! Fuhh getting older, but I'm glad to know that I'm still will get half price ticket to enter cinema hahaha ;p So most people today will be on holiday and as well as me. But the feeling of excitement is not there in my heart and I think I know why!! There is 3 quizzes next week huaaaahuaaaaa!! I'm so need to be ready. Nahh.. lets forget about the quizzes for a while. Basically people will make a list during new year, so here I am. The list is just to make sure that I will always remember and do some effort in order to achieve it. 1. Become a dental student in pandan indah (hopefully!! Ameenn!!) 2. Do the best in the interview 3. Know more words in mandarins. And maybe speak hahaha 4. 4 flat for tamhidi!! 5. Help my brothers to get A in maths...

Dilemma before balik cuti

Assalamualaikum Untuk subjek english sem II, bnyk aktiviti yg perlu dibuat. Lebih kpd aktiviti compared to exams. Bab muet dah habis. Contohnya presentation, buat products, forum and so on. Ini semua akn diberi markah carry marks. So kna buat dgn cemerlang ya! waduhh gawat sih! So dlm dua minggu akan dtg lepas cuti maulid rasul, turn group aku. Huaaaahuaa!! Hg blh bayangkan x cuaknya aku. Dgn diri yg x pernah participate dlm forum. Group aku semua daebak, speaking just sembur je wehh. Act aku x pernah pun group sama dgn diorg, kiranya bekerjasama as a team. Semua muka2 baru. Dari segi pro-nya, dpt a good experience laa, dgn diorg yg cekap, bnyk idea. Aku suka part ni. Tajuk yg group aku dpt actually sociology tapi kitaorg tukar amik psychology, differences between extrovert and introvert. Somehow it's related to ourselves as well. That's quite interesting to know. Aku pun x brapa nk pasti which one I am. Kdg2 agak introvert and kdg2 agak extrovert. Tapi lebih kepada intro...

Capital S

Assalamualaikum Recently I have been facing a problem which quite urghhhh!! Why urghh? Because I use it everydayy. Ahaa use means it is referring to a thing. Yes we all use that thing. Nah let me get u straight.. shoes!! My problem with shoes is, it always 'terkoyak'. Almost all ok! This kind of phenomena happens since I enter sem1 usim. At the beginning of sem1, I have about 3 shoes and 1 selipar. And then one of the shoes terkoyak after I have been wearing it for just a week. At that moment, I was like, " Ok2 xpe laa ada kasut lain lagi" After that I went back to taiping and bought the new ones. So that means I have 3 shoes. A month later, two of the shoes terkoyakk huaaahuaa!! Sport shoes and kasut kulit sadis betul! Pakai seminggu, terkoyak!! Sedih kan? But that problem doesn't ends there. I was just finish studying at library. So after that, I have to come back to tamhidi to get a bas back to kknc. Only usim students know how quite far away library and ...